Upcoming meeting Saturday, November 9
Haway Northern California Osage. Join us in Woodland, CA on November 9th for our Fall 2019 meeting. 9:30 a.m. — 5:15 p.m. Fairfield Inn and Suites 2100 Freeway Drive Woodland, CA 95776 A group rate is being offered to NCO. Agenda 9:30 am Registration and coffee 10:00 am Welcome and introductions 10:15 am Chief Standing…
Summer meeting coming up August 12
Learn about our Osage culture on Saturday, August 12 at the Petaluma Community Center. 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Agenda 9:30 am Registration and coffee 10:00 am Welcome and introduction 10:15 am Osage Museum Q&A with Hallie Winter 11:15 am Seed presentation with Keir Johnson 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Workshops • Moccasin making •…
More information about the Nov. 2 gathering
Haway! Attached is the agenda for the Saturday Nov. 2nd Northern California Osage Gathering at Leona Lodge in Oakland. Below is some additional information. What: Fall Northern California Osage gatheringWhen: Saturday, November 2nd 10am-7pm Where: Leona Lodge, 4444 Mountain Blvd, Oakland CA RSVP: osages@northerncaliforniaosage.org Lunch & Dinner & Raffle: If possible, please bring a dish for the potluck and raffle item (raffle…
Save the date! Fall gathering scheduled for November 2
The Northern California Osage Steering Committee is inviting all Osages & their families to save the date Saturday, November 2nd, for the Nor CA Osage Fall Meeting. Among other agenda items, there will be some exciting opportunities for Osage artists, writers & musicians, guests from Oklahoma, and Osage made art & music will be available… (Please contact us if you would…
Save the date for our Spring meeting: Saturday, March 23
Northern California Osage Spring Meeting: Saturday, March 23rd from 9AM – into the evening at the Petaluma KOA Recreation Hall. Come meet and greet and learn from our Osage Cultural Division Directors: Vann Bighorse, Cultural; Mograin Lookout, Language; Dr. Andrea Hunter, Historic Preservation; Lee Collins, Social Services; Rebecca Brave, NAGPRA/Graves Protection coordinator, Cherise Lookout, Education…