Month: January 2014

Accommodation info for March 15 meeting

March 15th Northern California Osage Meeting hotel accommodations. Anyone making reservations for a basic room at the Executive Suites or Bayside Inn Hotel in Oakland has access to our NCO group rate; to get the reduced rate, room reservations must be made before Feb. 24th. ((Note: You must CALL and make your reservations and state…

By osage January 9, 2014 0

Save the date! Saturday, March 15th

Happy New Year! Make sure to mark Saturday March 15th on those new 2014 calendars for the Northern California Osage meeting at the Executive Suites & Bayside Hotel in Oakland. Agenda: Osage Nation candidate & Minerals Council candidate panels and an Osage Nation Foundation presentation.

By osage January 2, 2014 0