More info about our Fall gathering

September 14, 2012 0 By osage

Potluck Picnic
Lake Temescal Park
6500 Broadway, Oakland
Oct. 20, 2012
Parking: free just outside park or $5 in parking lot
(more location info at:

Come meet your fellow Osages; all are welcome. Some traditional Osage dishes will be provided, and bring a potluck dish to share. Possible suggestions by last name (but bring what you’re comfortable sharing, traditional Osage dishes highly honored): A-E  salads/breads; F-K  main course; L-P  desserts; Q-Z  drinks/chips/snacks.

We encourage people to bring their own utensils if possible.

Here is a list of presenters  and activities we have lined up:

  • Charles Pratt of Hominy Oklahoma on Beginning Osage, Child Naming Rites, and Family Kinship Terms
  • Native American Artist & Craftsman Don Price on moccasin making
  • Beginning Osage Drum/Singing with Charles Maker and Duane BigEagle
  • Osage Seed Preservation Project Report with Keir Johnson
  • Bay Area Native American Health Center News with Marca Cassity
  • Indian Dice demonstration/ games will be available in small groups at breaks

If you didn’t pay annual dues in the Spring then they’re due now. You can pay by sending a check payable to NCO in the amount of $35/Family or $25/Individual to Karen Elliott, our NCO Treasurer or you can pay at the Fall gathering.


Karen Elliott
82 Jess Avenue
Petaluma, CA 94952